This is a special email I received from Isaac.
Thank you Isaac for your kind words regarding this site!
From: "Isaac Ruiz"
Subject: Re: Hombre Guapo Isaac "Mando" Ruiz Newsletter
Date: Fri, 09 May 2003 10:28:13 -0600
Hi Suzanne, and all who are part of this web-site...just
a short note to say thank you for your support, and especially to Suzanne for all her hard work! I am doing fine, in
good health, and full of life! I recently got over a bought with pneumonia, and I felt really bad. For those of you out there
who have had pneumonia, you know exactly what I am talking about.
I have four (4) daughters, and three(3) sons, and on Saturday,
May 17th, my #3 daughter, Hannahizabeth Ruiz, will be getting married. She gets married on the 17th, and the next day, 18th,
it is her birthday. (that should make it easy for her fiance to remember their anniversary..ha ha)
I have two other daughters that are married, Sarah Francine,
and Rebekah Ruth, and you all know my youngest daughter, Deborah Esther....A.K.A...."Dernin"...she is 17, and she is a sweetheart.
I know I am bias because she is my daughter, but "Dernin" was my best helper when she was younger.
Whenever I was going to work on the yard, or wash the family
cars, (mine and her Moms) she was always the one to want to help me. She had a wonderful attitude, and she was my favorite
helper. She never complained and in fact always volunteered to help. I love all my seven (7) children the same, and have no
favorites, but of all of them...."Dernin" was helpful to me the most!
My three sons all live in Los Angeles, and the oldest, Isaac
lll, is a graduate from my alma mata...Cal-State University @ Los Angeles. He graduated with a B.A. in Broadcast Communications,
and was an intern @ L.A.'s #1 rock station, KROC, for 3 years. He is not married, but has been going with a sweet gal for
around 5 years.
Well, that's about all for now, but in my next "short note"
(ha ha ha) I will share some about my other children, and other things going on in my life. So, thanks again to Suzanne, and
all of you for you wonderful support, and for keeping the memory of "Chico" and the garage alive. You are so kind.
God Bless you all and talk to you soon....Love...your